I sat down with President of Mentor Consulting Group Dr. Susan Weinberger, better known in the mentoring community as “Dr. Mentor”, at the 2017 MENTOR Summit to discuss the importance of mentoring in higher education. Weinberger spoke at the conference on STEM mentoring in higher ed, specifically surrounding mentoring programs she has supported at community colleges that primarily serve first generation college students.
Weinberger mentions a staggering quote early in her interview. Though the mentoring community provides incredible services for elementary, middle and high school aged children, only 3% of mentoring programs serve a higher education population. Weinberger sees that as a significant opportunity for growth–and I agree!
She highlights her theory on why mentoring hasn’t yet transitioned into higher education (and while she believes it should), while detailing the programs she’s supported and how the momentum can continue. Click the link below for the full interview.